1932 Rolls Royce 20/25 3 position drophead by Coachcraft Coachworks

Rolls Royce 20/25 3 position drophead by Coachcraft

Year: 1932
Chassis no: GMU6
Registration: VL397CM
Registered In: Austria & UK
Price: £135,000

1932 Rolls Royce 20/25 3 position drophead by Coachcraft Coachworks

Chassis number:

Registration Number: VL397CM (Austrian.) GY7495 (UK)

Utterly stylish from any angle, this Coachcraft body was installed upon GMU6 in 1939 & is of the very desirable 3 position drophead variety.  The car forms part of a prominent Austrian collection of 15 or so cars that we have been tasked to sell.  Viewings are in Austia near Velden.  A Dorchester de luxe foursome drophead coupe is how the Southern Motor company described it in their 1939 Advertisement for the Olympia show.

This car is in impeccable condition maintained without regard to cost.  The engine is silent & runs beautifully pulling away in top gear from walking pace in a smooth seamless manner.  It starts readily & is as smooth as one may find.

The car is finished in two shades of green with the paint being in lovely condition.  To the interior is dark green leather again in super condition along with dark green carpets.  All interior woodwork has been removed & refinished to a high gloss.  The spare wheel is mounted out of sight in the boot lid.  The doors are large affording easy access to the car & the rear seat are spacious, comfortable & commodious in the extreme.

The grey canvas roof is in good order.  There is a cunningly devised cover that snaps over the half furled hood keeping everything tidy when in the sedanca position.  When fully down the hood disappears into  the bodyline almost entirely giving the car a very elegant look.

All brightwork is in lovely order.  A central spotlamp & a pair of trumpet horns augmnet the Lucas P80 hearlamps.  Under the bonnet the car engine is detailed to show standards with all large tools in situ. Ace wheel discs are fitted all round; finished in duotone with hand applied pinlines.

The car is ready for immediate use needing nothing.  The body is very ueable & desirable & to my mind prettier & more elegant then the far more common Gurney Nutting varient.  The car has been used regularly for short jaunts though the Ausrtian alps.

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1932 Rolls Royce 20/25 3 position drophead by Coachcraft Coachworks

Chassis number:

Registration Number: VL397CM (Austrian.) GY7495 (UK)

Utterly stylish from any angle, this Coachcraft body was installed upon GMU6 in 1939 & is of the very desirable 3 position drophead variety.  The car forms part of a prominent Austrian collection of 15 or so cars that we have been tasked to sell.  Viewings are in Austia near Velden.  A Dorchester de luxe foursome drophead coupe is how the Southern Motor company described it in their 1939 Advertisement for the Olympia show.

This car is in impeccable condition maintained without regard to cost.  The engine is silent & runs beautifully pulling away in top gear from walking pace in a smooth seamless manner.  It starts readily & is as smooth as one may find.

The car is finished in two shades of green with the paint being in lovely condition.  To the interior is dark green leather again in super condition along with dark green carpets.  All interior woodwork has been removed & refinished to a high gloss.  The spare wheel is mounted out of sight in the boot lid.  The doors are large affording easy access to the car & the rear seat are spacious, comfortable & commodious in the extreme.

The grey canvas roof is in good order.  There is a cunningly devised cover that snaps over the half furled hood keeping everything tidy when in the sedanca position.  When fully down the hood disappears into  the bodyline almost entirely giving the car a very elegant look.

All brightwork is in lovely order.  A central spotlamp & a pair of trumpet horns augmnet the Lucas P80 hearlamps.  Under the bonnet the car engine is detailed to show standards with all large tools in situ. Ace wheel discs are fitted all round; finished in duotone with hand applied pinlines.

The car is ready for immediate use needing nothing.  The body is very ueable & desirable & to my mind prettier & more elegant then the far more common Gurney Nutting varient.  The car has been used regularly for short jaunts though the Ausrtian alps.

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